The long awaited moment, you are finally scheduled to receive your first massage and you can hardly wait to be swept away into full relaxation. You arrive at the spa in a timely fashion and are warmly greeted by someone from guest services. You complete a questionnaire about yourself identifying areas of stress that your massage therapist will focus on to customize your service. As you walk back to the waiting room, excited and ready to relax, a feeling of uneasiness and vulnerability suddenly arises: What am I supposed to wear while getting a massage?
Do I keep my clothes on? Do I change into a robe? Was I supposed to bring a bathing suit? Can I wear my under garments? Or do I bare it all and go naked?
Here’s the skinny and beauty of getting naked: the choice is yours! Most seasoned massage receivers bare it all knowing that massage therapists are professionally trained in draping so that only the area that is being massaged is revealed. Some are more comfortable wearing their undergarments knowing they will never be fully exposed. Either way it is your choice, and neither your privacy nor your massage will be compromised or less delightful.
Those are the bare facts on getting naked. It’s all up to you!